“Pleasures of the Perigord” PROGRAM

Join us at CHÂTEAU LADAUSSE for a 6-night, 7-day culinary and culture tour that includes an exclusive day with author Martin Walker of the “Bruno detective” series.

Highlights include : staying in a 17th century chateau with elegant accommodations in the bastide village of Monflanquin, gastronomic meals with a river of local wine, and a day in Le Bugue with Martin WALKER that includes a festive lunch at his home, cooking lesson and day excursion to the prehistoric caves.

2024 TOUR Dates:  

April 8th - April 14th ==> SOLD OUT!
September 20th - September 26th ==> SOLD OUT!

We will assemble at the market in Le Bugue (Saint-Denis in the books) where we will meet many of the characters who supply the victuals that figure so prominently in the Bruno books, by a tasting at Julien de Sauvignac, producer of Cuvée Bruno followed by lunch Chez Martin-a feast to be experienced to be believed. In lieu of the market day experience, an alternative day will feature visits to two of Martin's favorite wineries including a wine-fuelled lunch only if the market visit is not possible.

Indeed, while the characters in the Bruno novels have access to all the great wines of the world, they often choose to drink their local bottles, like one of Bruno’s favorites, Château de Tiregand in Pécharmant, which also happens to be one of Mr. Walker’s favorites. The proprietor, François-Xavier de Saint-Exupéry (a distant cousin of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry), served several older bottles. I was most struck by the 2005 Pécharmant. These reds are made from the same grapes as Bordeaux, the powerful neighbor on the coast, grown in similarly gravelly soils. It was earthy and lovely, intense and refreshing. At 12 years of age, the youthful fruitiness was just beginning to give way to complex minerality.“We like to hunt, we like mushrooms, we like a glass of wine,” Mr. Saint-Exupéry said, speaking to traditions that have sustained Pécharmant for centuries. Eric Asimov NY TImes


All Meals included, all transportation included while at Château Ladausse, transport pick-up and drop off to local train station included (Agen)

 DAY 1 arrival by later train, transfer to Chateau Ladausse, relax, welcome dinner

DAY 2: Market Day in Le Bugue with Martin Walker, including wine tasting and lunch Chez Martin

DAY 3 : Visit Lauscaux 4 to see an incredible reproduction of original cave art.

DAY 4:  Monflanquin market and cooking class with Diane at Chateau Ladausse

DAY 5: Visit to duck farm and all duck lunch

DAY 6: Cahors-market, cathedral and lunch. On the way back we will visit the ruins of Chateau Bonagil
Lavish au revoir dinner

2024 RATES

Double occupancy 3840 Euro/person
Single Occupancy 4290 Euro/person

For more information for 2025 Tours

Please contact Eric or Diane ANTHONISSEN info@ladausse.com